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Friday, 24 June 2011

Cybermummy Meet and Greet

Tomorrow is Cybermummy - the UK's biggest Parent blogger conference that is apparently amazing. Carly at Mummy's Shoes has kindly linked up a Meet and Greet so I'll be busy looking through those today and hope I'm not too late in introducing myself! I've met some lovely bloggers at PR events, many who are going tomorrow, otherwise I'm excited to be meeting some more fab and interesting people. So, who am I?

Leon and I
Name: Maria
Twitter ID: @MariaHalse
Height: 5ft 6/7ish?
Hair: Dark brown with fringe - usually piled into a big bun
Eyes: Brown

Likes: Organised chaos, Parties, loud jumping beats, Massages, Killer Sudoko, French Fancies, Malt bread, Enchiladas, Avocados, Sunshine, Chopin, Lizt and Lords of Acid

Dislikes: Big spiders that then hide and you don't know where they are, Injustice, when Leon bumps himself, Gin

1 comment:

  1. Have a great time, so jealous I am not going! Emma :)
